
Artisan is a tool of line of command included with the Laravel. Use this tag for questions made a list of the use and creation of command using the Artisan
ActionScript - язык программирования, ориентировал объекты (КАКАШКА) открытого кода Adobe Flash и ВОЗДУХА платформ. Более актуальная версия AS3, это используется широко для равного речного отделения, прикладные программы …
ActiveX is a framework for definition of component ones of software you were re-using (when what carry out a particular function or a set of them of a way that is independent of the ling were known as controls) …
AFNetworking - библиотека сети (чистой) для iOS и macOS.
AlamofireImage is a library of component ones of image for Alamofire.
THE AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) or Micro Advanced Devices is a North American enterprise manufacturer of integrated circuits, specially processors. His products compete straightly with them …
RecyclerView is a more advanced and flexible version of the ListView. He was introduced with Android L Developer Preview, but also it is available like part of the Library of Support.
d SDK - Комплект разработки программного обеспечения для Android, сделанного доступный Google. Он поставляет инструменты и библиотеки, необходимые для создания заявлений Android. Если сомнение …
The Angular thing is a framework created by Google for the development of applications web. Use this tag for questions on syntax, mistakes, doubts, between others. Not specific of a version. For qu …
Animate.css is a simple library for livelinesses CSS cross-browser https://daneden.github.io / animate.css /
AOP is a paradigm of planning of computers that it allows to the software desenvolvedores to separate and to organize the code in accordance with his importance for the application (separation of concerns). You it …
Apache POI is a framework for the platform Java that there allows to work with the reading and writing of data in documents Microsoft Office.
Прикладной рабочий стол, здоровый развитые, чтобы вращаться в операционных системах компьютеров стола (или «рабочие столы») или портативный («ноутбуки» или «ноутбуки») – как Windows, МАКОС и distribuiçõe …
APK that comes from Android Package, is the form of 'zip' for Android, in other words, it is a compiled archive, which is used in order that programs settle down in the Android of parallel form to Google Play. He can be …
Applet is a small software that executes a specific activity, inside (of the context) of another bigger program (like for example a web browser), generally like a Plugin.
API Keys are access credentials supplied in a way of authorizing the use of specific funcionalidades of an API. There are several types of implementations.
Aptana Studio is a software open source multiplatform freely for IDE (Integrated Development Environment) developed in Java that supports the languages PHP, Python, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, CSS3, HT …
тво associativo является им, кто позволяет приписывание названия ключа множества
Array associativo is he who allows attribution of a name for a key of an array
Helpers are component when driving Razor wrote for, in ASP.NET MVC, with the objective to simplify the insertion of (component) repeated and complex structures in the presentation layer.
THE AXIOS is a library used for requests AJAX based in promises. Use this tag when the problem refers to the use of the library.
Azure DevOps is a set of 5 services where you can use them in the independent form inside the platform. With Azure DevOps it is possible to control the whole cycle of life of his application, from the geren …
Backend-as-a-service (BaaS) is a computation service in cloud that serves how middleware. The same thing supplies to the desenvolvedores a form to connect his applications furnishes and web to services in the cloud …
Backbone.js is a library JavaScript that gives RESTful structures to applications web.
BASIC is an imperative language of high level, pertaining to the third generation, originally compiled (in spite of his implementations in microcomputers had disseminated the interpreted version) and not …
Beautiful Soup is a library written in Python for analysis of documents HTML and XML. Very much used in practice of Web Scraping, she creates a tree of analysis of the document for collection or splinter of …
Bitbucket is a service of lodging of projects controlled through the Mercurial one (also it uses the Git), a system of distributed control of versions. It is similar to GitHub (that uses Git, only).
BitNami is a library of instaladores or packets of software for web applications and batteries of development, as well as virtual devices. BitNami is sponsored by the bitrock, an enterprise fund …
Blender, when publication was also known how blender3d, liveliness is a program of computer of open code, developed by Blender Foundation, for modeling, texturização, composition, renderização, d …
Blogger (when was also known as Blogspot) is a service of Google of publication of similar blogues to an online diary, which there allow to one or several users they create publications with registered-hour.